Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nan Goldin

Nan Goldin was born in 1953 in Washington D.C. During her study at the Satya Community School in Boston, a teacher introduced her to the camera, she instantly began shooting. Her first show was in 1973 and contained images of the gay community of which she was introduced by her friend David Armstrong. She graduated from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, which is a part of Tufts University. After moving to New York City, she began working in the post-punk new wave scene, continuing on in gay subculture as well. She then began to center on the hardcore drug scene around the Bowery area. Most of her subjects from the drug scene were dead by the early 1990s from AIDS or drug over-doses. She used a snapshot aesthetic to convey her subject matter. Her pictures seem impromptu with focus on the lighting present in the scene. Her images have a truth to them that lands them in a documentary category. She has captured the truth of what it was like to be in these different subcultures.

Artist Website: Doesn't have her own.

Gallery Website:


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