Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Childhood Development(Birth to 5 Years)

Normal Stages of Human Development(Birth to 5 Years)
by the Childhood Development Center

“There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again.” by Elizabeth Lawrence

This will be the beginning of breaking into different stages of development in children as they grow into adults. I want to explore this subject because I feel that it will tie into different aspects of my project. Anyway, the beginning years of life are really formative in the discovery of emotions, language, interaction with family and strangers, and motor ability. Their temperament begins to shine through more as to whether they are curious, easily irked, or very docile. These are the years where the child begins to learn more and more about his environment and retain that information. They begin to utilize their experiences and apply those to how they approach new situations, such as the age-old if it burns you, don't touch it again. The child begins to question whether to obey or disobey. They learn how to articulate how they feel and convey stories in a more lucid fashion. An interest in other children's bodies appears as they wish to explore each other's bodies. They try to learn what their bodies can do and what other children's bodies can do. Their feelings on sex can be affected by their experiences with other children, their parents, or regrettably in some instances strangers.

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