Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Kinsey Reports

According to the Kinsey Reports by Jim Burroway. 1-3-08,024.htm

In 1948, Dr. Kinsey published the book Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, with a follow up in 1953 Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. These two books contained information that covered the various sexual experiences and exploits of men and women that Kinsey either interviewed or polled along with his team of colleagues. He brought subjects to the public that had previously been taboo and shattered many conventional beliefs about sex. He covered topics such as number of sexual partners, heterosexual and homosexual experiences, forms of sexual exploration, and so forth. His books challenged stereotypes about promiscuity in men and women, how chaste each sex is, and age at loss of virginity. His work explained that homosexuality and heterosexuality are not black and white terms. This can be explained on a 7 point scale with solely hetero on one end and solely homo on the other. There are various aspects that fall within those numbers for those that find themselves somewhere in between. These books were part of the beginning of a newer era where sexual topics were more acceptable to discuss. Since the books, a Kinsey Center for research on sexual behavior has been set up. They continue to poll, interview, and research to maintain a modern survey of this age's sexuality.

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