Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Artist Lecture #3: Paul Shambroom

Paul Shambroom is an American artist who focuses on the cultural power aspects of this country. One of his series focuses on varying nuclear sites and bombs. He has documented abandoned nuclear facilities, nuclear warheads that have been adopted as monuments, and people that work in nuclear warfare. His images are strikingly beautiful and some hilarious. He has found his own style in following something that has caused so much fear in the hearts of American citizens. The work he did with people working in the field is incredible. Though many would be frightened to be near any warhead, these people deal with them on an everyday basis. He did a great job capturing their comfort and ease with such a dangerous task. Another series he produced involved various small town council meetings. In the style of the "decisive moment," found by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Shambroom waited until the exact moment of perfect harmony between the council members. He utilized available lighting, which adds to the overall atmospherical quality. He has taken things that we might find scary or mundane and found a way to show them so that they are more accessible and even intriguing. His work definitely has a part in the cultural history of our nation.

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