Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Topic #4: Medici Family History

"Although politically ruthless, Cosimo was highly cultured and promoted letters and arts as well as the Tuscan economy and navy. "

The Medici family traces back to the end of the 12th century in Florence, Italy where they began as part of the patrician class. They were always seen as friends to the common people. Their wealth was amassed mostly in the 13th century through banking and commerce, which brought about more political power. In the 14th century, the gonfaliere, a high ceremonial officer, Salvestro de Medici led the common people in a revolt and became the de facto dictator of the city. He was banished for his cruel regime. Then, Giovanni di Bicci de Medici restored their name and their wealth to the point where they were possibly the wealthiest family in all of Europe. His line continued through many nobleman that became high officials in the government. Many of the members became leaders through wealth, power, and popularity. However, most of their reigns were characterized by a brutal tyranny with a mix of patronage to culture and the arts. They were often banished and invited back by the provocation of the Spanish. Their history is tumultuous, but they continue to be known as one of the most prolific families to donate to and support the arts.


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