Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Raymond, Eric S. "The Biology of Promiscuity." 2 Aug. 2002.

In terms of promiscuity, this article covers the stigma for why males and females even consider straying from their mate. The author breaks it down into a more biological manner, relating it to fertility in females, wishing to expand their gene pool to create a stronger, or better offspring. This means that women may gravitate to someone fitter, more attractive, or wealthier so that she can endow her child with this prowess. However, she stays with her first mate because he is the one that will stay around to take care of her children. As for the male side, men have a lower investment in his offspring, or at least less than their female counterparts. Also, men have an innate want to spread their seed because they are designed to continue the race. For instance, the male sows the seed, while the female ensures that the crops grow. It is not surprising that the female would notice that another's crops prosper more than hers, so she may wish to steal some seeds from the neighboring farm.
My thought process right now is dealing with the sexual nature of various demographics within my environment. I want to discover the practices of different groups and discover why they act the way they do. As of now, my mind has centered on promiscuity, how acceptable it is, what defines it, and how many people feel/are promiscuous. This article begins to break it down on a biologically conditioned level that I want to explore as well.

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